New, Used, and Refurb Computers, Laptops, and PCs downtown Moncton!

Sur demande
607 St George Blvd suite 103, Moncton, NB E1E 2C2, Canada(Afficher la carte)
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Dalton of DigiBandit is here to remind you that DigiBandit IT Services probably has what you're looking for (if you're looking for IT Services, Computers, Laptops, Accessories, Adapters, Cables and more!)

Stop by in person, browse our website or give us a call, text, email, etc.; we'll be happy to help!

+----[WHY DIGIBANDIT]----+

I pride myself on being honest, sometimes to a fault. I also want to save people money and help the environment. I do my very best to be the best, which means taking care of you so you will be my customer for life!

- Local business
- 10+ years of experience
- Warranty on services
- Free general diagnostics
- House Calls and On-Location services
- Pick-up and delivery services within Moncton, Riverview, Dieppe and Elmwood area


- Mail-In Repair
- Onsite training and consultations
- Network Installation and Setup
- Password bypass for Windows, Mac/Apple logins
- Virus, worm, trojan, root-kit, spyware removal
- System Tune-Up
- System Rebuild
- OS Setup
- Hardware Installation/Upgrade
- Data Migration
- Data Recovery
- Software Licence Recovery
- Password Bypass
- BIOS/UEFI Updates
- Physical and Digital Cleaning
- Component Replacement
- Liquid Damage Repair
- Sale and support of Hardware, components, tool-kits
- Bitlocker Assistance
- Many More services on the website!!


For more information, a complete list of services and pricing, please visit:


Check out the DigiBandit Web Store for more builds, refurbished machines, accessories, upgrades and more!

+----[CONTACT US]----+

Dalton of DigiBandit
607 St George Blvd, Suite 103, Moncton NB

Options supplémentaires

Le vendeur offre également les services suivants. Veuillez le contacter pour en savoir plus, car il peut y avoir des coûts supplémentaires.
  • Livraison possible
  • Expédition possible
  • Ramassage en bordure de rue
  • Espèces acceptées
  • Paiement sans espèces possible
Utilisateur Kijiji
607 St George Blvd suite 103, Moncton, NB E1E 2C2, Canada
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