Science Fiction $7 each (3 for $15)

7 $
Waterloo, ON N2J 1P2(Afficher la carte)


I'm downsizing and have decided to part with the bulk of my science fiction collection. I have marked them "S" for "Softcover" and "H" for "Hardcover" and "P" for "Paperbacks"...

The City in the Middle of the Night by Charlie Jane Anders (H)

Mirkheim by Poul Anderson (H)

Buy Jupiter & Other Stories by Isaac Asimov (H)

Look to Windward by Iain M. Banks (H) Matter by Iain M. Banks (H)

Millennium by Ben Bova (H)

Eye in the Sky by Philip K. Dick (P) Ganymede Takeover by Philip K. Dick (P) Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick (P) Martian Time-Slip by Philip K. Dick (P) Now Wait For Last Year by Philip K. Dick (P)

End of the Dreams by James Gunn (H) To the Stars by Harry Harrison (H)

Entoverse by James Hogan (H) Voyage from Yesteryear by James Hogan (H)

Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie (S) Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie (S) Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie (S)

Agent Gambit by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller (S)

Integral Trees by Larry Niven (H) Smoke Ring by Larry Niven (H) Achilles' Choice by Larry Niven & Steven Barnes (H) Legacy of Heorot by Larry Niven & Steven Barnes (H) Footfall by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle (H)

No Night Without Stars by Andre Norton (H)

Saga of Cuckoo by Frederik Pohl & Jack Williamson (H) Singers of Time by Frederik Pohl & Jack Williamson (H)

Boneshaker by Cherie Priest (S)

Behemoth: B-Max by Peter Watts (H)

Hermetic Millennia by John C. Wright (S)

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