Basketball in Dartmouth

Results 1 - 4 of 4


Results 1 - 4 of 4

  • Spring Action Basketball Hoop For Sale, bolts included.


    Basketball Hoop For Sale in Porters Lake.


    Spring Action Basketball Hoop For Sale, bolts included.

  • Selling in excellent shape 2 mens large basketball jerseys. I have Duke or North Carolina. Selling f...




    Selling in excellent shape 2 mens large basketball jerseys. I have Duke or North Carolina. Selling for $10 each. Numbers are double stitched. Email if interested. Will meet for delivery. Check out my ...

  • For sale is this 1 of 1 game-used dual jersey Michael Jordan/Tiger Woods authentic NSA. The mint car...


    Michael Jordan/Tiger Woods Game-Used Jersecut sports card.ys

    Downtown Dartmouth

    For sale is this 1 of 1 game-used dual jersey Michael Jordan/Tiger Woods authentic NSA. The mint card, which includes a COA, is encased in plastic, and may be picked up in downtown Dartmouth.

  • Under Armour Kid's Basketball Sneakers, grey with neon yellow accent, size 1, in excellent condition...


    Kid's Basketball Sneakers


    Under Armour Kid's Basketball Sneakers, grey with neon yellow accent, size 1, in excellent condition, asking $10 firm.

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