Bookcases & Shelving Units in Prince Albert

Results 1 - 3 of 3



Bookcases & Shelving Units


Results 1 - 3 of 3

  • Colourful, cloth book shelf. Like new and solid


    Book shelf

    Prince Albert

    Colourful, cloth book shelf. Like new and solid

  • Solid wood corner shelves and metal posts. Great condition Approx. 4 ft tall 2 for 50.00 306-222-512...


    corner shelving

    Prince Albert

    Solid wood corner shelves and metal posts. Great condition Approx. 4 ft tall 2 for 50.00 306-222-5126

  • A mix of Closet Maid wire shelving. Please let us know if you are interested for more information on...

    Please Contact

    Closet maid wire shelving


    A mix of Closet Maid wire shelving. Please let us know if you are interested for more information on amount. Various lengths available. Located in the Paynton area.

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