"blundstone" in Clothing in Peterborough


Results 1 - 10 of 10

  • Lightly used men’s Blundstone Dress Boots


    Men’s 7.5 Blundstone Boots


    Lightly used men’s Blundstone Dress Boots

  • Blundstone CSA workboots. Bought in January of 2022 and worn for 1 year. Still in great condition. V...


    Blundstone Work Boots - AUS 9/US 10


    Blundstone CSA workboots. Bought in January of 2022 and worn for 1 year. Still in great condition. Very little wear on the toe cap and leather.

  • New in Box Blundstone Workbooks $225


    Blundstone WorkBoots


    New in Box Blundstone Workbooks $225

  • Women’s Blundstones size 7 - fit like a regular 9.5-10 Some marks but boots are in good condition!


    Women’s Blundstones


    Women’s Blundstones size 7 - fit like a regular 9.5-10 Some marks but boots are in good condition!

  • Basically brand new only worn for a day. Got another set gifted to me, can deliever within Peterboro...


    Men's blundstones 10.5 brown tan.


    Basically brand new only worn for a day. Got another set gifted to me, can deliever within Peterborough. 200$ obo

  • Used mens steel toe size 12 mens blundstone work boots 20$


    Blundstone size 12


    Used mens steel toe size 12 mens blundstone work boots 20$

  • Steel toe blundstones. New and used aus size 7.5 men’s . New ones asking 125.00 per pair and used 66...


    Blundstones price drop


    Steel toe blundstones. New and used aus size 7.5 men’s . New ones asking 125.00 per pair and used 66.00 per pair

  • In great condition, I’ve barely worn them as they’re just a bit too small for me. Will come with the...


    Women’s Blundstones US size 8.5


    In great condition, I’ve barely worn them as they’re just a bit too small for me. Will come with the second set of insoles never used and the polishing pad. AUS size 5.5 (US size 8.5) $200 OBO

  • Unisex work boot. Size 6 1/2 would be a 9 Need polish up, toes are scuffed. also have a black pair i...


    Blundstone steel toe boot


    Unisex work boot. Size 6 1/2 would be a 9 Need polish up, toes are scuffed. also have a black pair in great shape 150$

  • Great Christmas gift! !!!BRAND!!! new never out of the box black Blundstones. Size 10.5 US steel toe...


    Mint Condition Blundstones


    Great Christmas gift! !!!BRAND!!! new never out of the box black Blundstones. Size 10.5 US steel toe work boot

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