Community in Edmundston


    • Community (4)

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  • If you have to leave your pet and you have no other option, please reach out to me or a rescue. I ca...

    Abandoned or homeless dogs, there’s our option.

    Anderson Road

    If you have to leave your pet and you have no other option, please reach out to me or a rescue. I can’t watch anymore of the homeless or abandoned dogs in the Kent area or any area. I’ll come and get ...

  • Dr.Kimberley Jackson and colleagues are exploring the experience of arts-based storytelling among Ca...

    Join a Research Study and Earn Compensation


    Dr.Kimberley Jackson and colleagues are exploring the experience of arts-based storytelling among Canadian mothers with histories of intimate partner violence (IPV) while seeking insight into the ...

  • Dr.Kimberley Jackson and colleagues are exploring the experience of arts-based storytelling among Ca...

    Be a Part of Our Study – Compensation Available


    Dr.Kimberley Jackson and colleagues are exploring the experience of arts-based storytelling among Canadian mothers with histories of intimate partner violence (IPV) while seeking insight into the ...

  • You are invited to participate in an online focus groups about current affairs. We are looking for p...



    You are invited to participate in an online focus groups about current affairs. We are looking for participants in the group’s age range of 16-25, 26-65 and 65+. Candidates who qualify and ...

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