"lenovo laptop" in Computers in Strathcona County


Results 1 - 6 of 6

  • Trying to sell my laptop before the Christmas season ! Let me know !! Great for work , gaming , or s...


    trying to sell ! serious offers only!!

    Strathcona County

    Trying to sell my laptop before the Christmas season ! Let me know !! Great for work , gaming , or school needs ! Only serious inquires . Cash preferred.

  • Brand new laptop used for night school at grant macewan having a tough time with bills so trying to...


    Help out a family !

    Strathcona County

    Brand new laptop used for night school at grant macewan having a tough time with bills so trying to sell some stuff for Christmas money . I paid 1500$ at Costco for it so looking to get close to ...

  • Brand new laptop used for night school at grant macewan having a tough time with bills so trying to...


    Brand new laptop !

    Strathcona County

    Brand new laptop used for night school at grant macewan having a tough time with bills so trying to sell some stuff for Christmas money . I paid 1500$ at Costco for it so looking to get close to ...

  • Used for about three months. Runs fast and has lots of memory, it's restarted as well. Great Christm...


    Lenovo laptop (painted pink)

    Strathcona County

    Used for about three months. Runs fast and has lots of memory, it's restarted as well. Great Christmas gift or good for something you'd need for gaming

  • 1 year old laptop, 15.6” non touch screen, Lenovo Ideapad 1. Great for students not doing things wit...


    lenovo Ideapad 15.6” non touch screen laptop.

    Strathcona County

    1 year old laptop, 15.6” non touch screen, Lenovo Ideapad 1. Great for students not doing things with Autodesk applications. 2.3Ghz dual-core AMD Athlon Silver 3050U processor enable powerful ...

  • Brand new Lenovo Thinkpad E16 Gen 1 with 7 months left on the 12 month warranty. Opened box however...


    New Lenovo Thinkpad E16 Gen 1

    Strathcona County

    Brand new Lenovo Thinkpad E16 Gen 1 with 7 months left on the 12 month warranty. Opened box however the security seal on the bag is still intact. These go for around $1200 new. These laptops are ...

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