Dogs & Puppies for Rehoming in Kitchener / Waterloo

Results 1 - 2 of 2



Dogs & Puppies for Rehoming


Results 1 - 2 of 2

  • Mika is one year old shepherd/husky mix! Mika is in need of a good place to run and some attention....

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    Sheppard/husky mic

    Kitchener / Waterloo

    Mika is one year old shepherd/husky mix! Mika is in need of a good place to run and some attention. Due to scheduling changes we are unable to give Mika the time she deserves. We are sad to see her ...

  • Fully house trained female Husky for rehoming due to my work situation, she has all of her tags and...

    Please Contact

    Female Husky for rehoming


    Fully house trained female Husky for rehoming due to my work situation, she has all of her tags and is in beautiful condition and very playful and clam temper, you couldn’t want a better dog, she’s ...

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