Fishing, Camping & Outdoors in Prince Albert


Results 1 - 4 of 4

  • Tree stand Good shape See pic for details


    Tree stand

    Saint Louis

    Tree stand Good shape See pic for details

  • In excellent shape. Perfect for boats or camping. 13 inches across, 15 inches long and 12 inches hig...


    Portable toilet

    Christopher Lake

    In excellent shape. Perfect for boats or camping. 13 inches across, 15 inches long and 12 inches high

  • Ice fishing shack and everything in it. You won’t need to buy anything else. Is on wooden skids. Loc...


    Ice Fishing Shack


    Ice fishing shack and everything in it. You won’t need to buy anything else. Is on wooden skids. Located at Turtle Lake.

  • Jiffy 8" Gas Auger....$150.00 ** Blades could use a sharpening or replacement Swedish Bore Manual Au...


    Jiffy Gas Auger and Swedish Bore Manual Auger


    Jiffy 8" Gas Auger....$150.00 ** Blades could use a sharpening or replacement Swedish Bore Manual Auger.....$50.00 $180.00 for both. Reason for selling: I bought an electric auger. Thx Jason

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