Health & Special Needs in Territories

Results 1 - 4 of 4



Health & Special Needs


Results 1 - 4 of 4

  • iRestore Professional 282 - Hair Growth System. Low level light therapy to promote hair growth and r...


    iRestore Professional 282 - Hair Growth System.


    iRestore Professional 282 - Hair Growth System. Low level light therapy to promote hair growth and reduce hair fall. 2- years old. In good condition. Original price $1,200 includes rechargeable ...

  • Mint condition AFG spin bike. Just in time for the bike relay! Link below with all the specs. https:...


    AFG 7.3 AIC spinbike


    Mint condition AFG spin bike. Just in time for the bike relay! Link below with all the specs. ...

  • Drive long distances and maintain comfort - enhances circulation. (2) - $35 for both.


    Long Distance driving - Seat beads


    Drive long distances and maintain comfort - enhances circulation. (2) - $35 for both.

  • Powered by 1400W motor and two 100 amp batteries. Speed of 18 km/h with an impressive range. LED lig...


    RZ1500 Orthoquad - Mobility Scooter


    Powered by 1400W motor and two 100 amp batteries. Speed of 18 km/h with an impressive range. LED light package, lockable front basket, a cup holder, two mirrors, a high-performance 8A charger and two ...

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