Hobbies & Crafts in Revelstoke

Results 1 - 4 of 4



Hobbies & Crafts


Results 1 - 4 of 4

  • Wholesale prices. Free Pickup in oshawa, Whitby, delivery available on GTA very small fee. Sizes. 4x...


    Polycarbonate Canada Polycarbonate greenhouse accessories

    British Columbia

    Wholesale prices. Free Pickup in oshawa, Whitby, delivery available on GTA very small fee. Sizes. 4x4. 4x8. 4x12ft and lot more Call call 647-765-7501 polycarbonatecanada.ca Following polycarbonate ...

  • Duncan ceramic pottery kiln. Model DK 1029-2. 10,800 watts, 60 amp service. Approximately 28 inches...


    Potters kiln


    Duncan ceramic pottery kiln. Model DK 1029-2. 10,800 watts, 60 amp service. Approximately 28 inches wide by 41 inches tall including stand. Excellent condition. Includes owners manual with detailed ...

  • Older style Potters wheel. Perfectly balanced.


    Potters kick wheel


    Older style Potters wheel. Perfectly balanced.

  • Amaco potter’s wheel Works great.


    Potter Wheel


    Amaco potter’s wheel Works great.

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