Livestock in St. John's


Results 1 - 7 of 7

  • $25 each. Contact Richard at 709-525-2472 No emails please. Phone calls only as I’m posting for my d...


    Geese for sale

    Saint Vincent's

    $25 each. Contact Richard at 709-525-2472 No emails please. Phone calls only as I’m posting for my dad

  • Baby Bunnies rabbits for sale great pets or meat breed


    rabbits for sale

    St. John's

    Baby Bunnies rabbits for sale great pets or meat breed

  • Have some very sweet goats that have been treated as family members. These are the bonded groups; Do...

    Please Contact

    Super Friendly Goats

    Portugal Cove-St. Philip's

    Have some very sweet goats that have been treated as family members. These are the bonded groups; Dolly 14 years - retired Saanan milker and her son Cricket year and half, great breeding buck ...

  • Smaller Beef Quarters available in the coming weeks. $6.50lb . Call 7099868420 to get ur name on the...

    Please Contact

    Black Angus Beef Quarters

    Bell Island

    Smaller Beef Quarters available in the coming weeks. $6.50lb . Call 7099868420 to get ur name on the list

  • Hey guys, It's JimmyJam the AquaticPlantsMan (APM). I have been aquascaping for over 25 years now an...


    Aquarium aquatic plants moss bucephalandra *Huge List*

    St. John's

    Hey guys, It's JimmyJam the AquaticPlantsMan (APM). I have been aquascaping for over 25 years now and love the grow and share my plants/ shrimp / and fish with my community. Recently I have put up a ...

  • Leghorn Rooster. Selling because I have 2


    leghorn Rooster

    St. John's

    Leghorn Rooster. Selling because I have 2

  • Aluminum Gate Measures 10ft long and 4ft high In mint condition can be used for livestock or drivewa...


    Aluminum Gate measurements 10ft long….4ft high….

    Bell Island

    Aluminum Gate Measures 10ft long and 4ft high In mint condition can be used for livestock or driveway includes all hardware

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