"honey bees" in All Categories in Ottawa

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Results 1 - 5 of 5

  • Dancing Bee 2 frame honey extractor. Like new, used once. Developed allergies so no more bees


    Honey extractor


    Dancing Bee 2 frame honey extractor. Like new, used once. Developed allergies so no more bees

  • EASTER: NEW HONEY BUNNY STAND (CREATOLOGY) 97 pieces; Which makes a Honey Bunny Stand which you buil...




    EASTER: NEW HONEY BUNNY STAND (CREATOLOGY) 97 pieces; Which makes a Honey Bunny Stand which you build. There are bunnies', bees, honey jars, flowers, carrots, etc. Still in the original box. ...

  • Title: BAD BEEKEEPING Description: A million pounds of honey -- produced by a billion bees! This mem...


    BAD BEEKEEPING by Ron Miksha - 2004 - Saskatchewan Honey Ranch

    Greenboro East

    Title: BAD BEEKEEPING Description: A million pounds of honey -- produced by a billion bees! This memoir reconstructs the life of a young man from Pennsylvania as he drops into the bald prairie ...

  • Lovely for your Autumn decor! Retired NEW in box, never used PartyLite P93089 Pair of Autumn's Tapes...


    NEW PartyLite P93089 Autumn's Tapestry Tealight Holder Pair


    Lovely for your Autumn decor! Retired NEW in box, never used PartyLite P93089 Pair of Autumn's Tapestry Tea light Candle Holder. Frosty glass with sunflowers and honey bees. Orig. Retail $30. ...

  • 6x used hive top chimney feeders available. $20 each.


    Hive Top Feeders


    6x used hive top chimney feeders available. $20 each.

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