Part Time & Students Jobs in Delta/Surrey/Langley


Results 1 - 3 of 3

  • Work available - need females for a photo shoot. Cash payment of $100 after each photoshoot. Can be...

    Work for work permit and students available


    Work available - need females for a photo shoot. Cash payment of $100 after each photoshoot. Can be anyone on work permit or study permit status. Contact with your whatsapp ...

  • I need someone to come and clean my place on a weekly basis preferably every week on Sunday. Along w...

    I am looking for a weekly maid


    I need someone to come and clean my place on a weekly basis preferably every week on Sunday. Along with that I do give you a list of groceries to bring with you on Sunday and is an additional pay of ...

  • I am a student looking for job. I have online study so I am available 5 to 6 days a week. I have exp...

    need a job


    I am a student looking for job. I have online study so I am available 5 to 6 days a week. I have experience of cooking , cleaning , caregiving also worked in warehouse . Looking for work at sin and ...

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