Performance & DJ Equipment in Hamilton
Results 1 - 4 of 4
Small band PA
Band PA Yorkville YVM4 and 2 - 8 inch // (20cm) speakers with stands and protective covers for all used in bar scene. known as the old workhorse
Full small, band PA system
Full small, band PA system YVM4 with two eight-inch speakers with horns Speaker stands heavy duty wires some mikes and stands.
PA system Yamaha EMX88S Powered mixer
Very good mixer. Gently used for basement jamming and in very good condition. 8/10 channels, 2 stereo 6 mono, 7-band equalizer, reverb, echo, distortion effects, etc. 400 W + 400 W. Good for small ...
Xone XD 53 Professional Monitoring DJ Headphones
Cosmetic condition 8.5/10, nothing wrong mechinically, sounds loud & clear, perfect for loud club setup.
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