Performance & DJ Equipment in Trenton

Results 1 - 2 of 2



Performance & DJ Equipment


Results 1 - 2 of 2

  • Older and heavy P A speakers. 18 inch bass, 15 inch mids and 6 inch horn. All in great working condi...


    Studio Lab P A Speakers


    Older and heavy P A speakers. 18 inch bass, 15 inch mids and 6 inch horn. All in great working condition. Would suit a bar a or a jam room that is large enough to handle these beauties. I just can’t ...

  • Everything works great. They were minimally used at church a couple hours a week and then put in sto...


    Peavey PV112 & PV115 Speakers, Stands & Cables


    Everything works great. They were minimally used at church a couple hours a week and then put in storage due to closing. Comes with a tote full of 1/4 to 1/4 inch cables, xlr mic cables, midi, ...

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