Skates & Blades in Kingston Area

Results 1 - 3 of 3



Skates & Blades


Results 1 - 3 of 3

  • Men's size 8.5 CCM 652 Super Tacks hockey skates. In good condition. Comes with blade covers.


    CCM Hockey Skates Men's 8.5


    Men's size 8.5 CCM 652 Super Tacks hockey skates. In good condition. Comes with blade covers.

  • Bauer Vapor size 8R. Like new. Skate guards included. Available to meet from Oshawa to Kingston. If...


    Bauer Hockey Skates Size 8


    Bauer Vapor size 8R. Like new. Skate guards included. Available to meet from Oshawa to Kingston. If the ad is up, the skates are still available. Will only take down the ad once payment confirmed. ...

  • Youth skates only used for a couple of years. I believe they are a size 6 youth. Comes from a pet, s...


    Skates (youth)


    Youth skates only used for a couple of years. I believe they are a size 6 youth. Comes from a pet, smoke, and COVID free home.

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