Stoves, Ovens & Ranges in City of Halifax


Results 1 - 5 of 5

  • stove element $5


    stove element $5


    stove element $5

  • Used for 1 year. Bought new from Canadian Appliance Source for $2200.


    Jenn Air Range Hood

    Clayton Park West

    Used for 1 year. Bought new from Canadian Appliance Source for $2200.

  • Used for 6 months. $500 off Amazon


    Range hood

    Clayton Park West

    Used for 6 months. $500 off Amazon

  • We just renovated the kitchen and The stove with Hood Range/fan would be great for someone looking t...


    Hood Range/Fan and Flat top Stove!


    We just renovated the kitchen and The stove with Hood Range/fan would be great for someone looking to upgrade their kitchen, and would be great for cottage as well. Very easy to clean. 30x22 -Stove ...

  • Cuisinart Steam Convention Oven Plus/Four with steam clean and light. Also have papers on how to use...


    Steam convection oven plus/four

    Head of Chezzetcook

    Cuisinart Steam Convention Oven Plus/Four with steam clean and light. Also have papers on how to use it.Only used a couple of times. Only $30.00 dollars, if interested call Dan at (902) 222-6825. ...

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