TVs in Fredericton


Results 1 - 3 of 3

  • Used 45 inch Samsung TV. Great condition. Remote included


    Samsung HD 45 inch


    Used 45 inch Samsung TV. Great condition. Remote included

  • Hitachi 42HDT79 42" UltraVision® CineForm™ high-definition plasma TV. Hitachi's CineForm plasmas bui...


    Hitachi plasma tv


    Hitachi 42HDT79 42" UltraVision® CineForm™ high-definition plasma TV. Hitachi's CineForm plasmas build on the strengths of the UltraVision models, and add performance and convenience upgrades that ...

  • Looking to sell tv and tv stand as we are upgrading. Lost the legs for the tv but the stand has a bu...


    Tv and Tv stand with build in Mount


    Looking to sell tv and tv stand as we are upgrading. Lost the legs for the tv but the stand has a built in mount and a thing on the back to hide all cords. Absolutely no issues with picture quality ...

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