Washers & Dryers in Summerside


Results 1 - 3 of 3

  • GE dryer for sale. Commercial Quality. Good working condition.$150.00. Call only please. 439-2693.


    dryer for sale


    GE dryer for sale. Commercial Quality. Good working condition.$150.00. Call only please. 439-2693.

  • Kenmore washer for sale. Heavy duty large capacity. Good working condition. $250.00 Call only please...

    Please Contact

    washer for sale


    Kenmore washer for sale. Heavy duty large capacity. Good working condition. $250.00 Call only please. 439-2693.

  • Price drop, only three sets left! Asking $1300 a set FIRM Two month old washer and dryer sets, comes...


    washer and dryer


    Price drop, only three sets left! Asking $1300 a set FIRM Two month old washer and dryer sets, comes with a year warranty. Dryers are heat pump dryers and don’t require venting outside, they are ...

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