Milton, ON L9T 6M2(View Map)
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EQUIPMENT LEASING PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Are you Small, Medium or Large Corporation? You have 1 Unit Equipment Lease or 1000 Units Equipment Leases. Trucks, Trailers, Dozers, Tractors, Cranes, Forklifts, Excavators anything you have leased/Financed. Do you want me to review your leasing/Equipment Finance portfolio? I have over 20 years Equipment Leasing/Equipment Finance Experience. I have worked for big banks and financial institutions. Financial Institutions look after maximum profits they can make from clients. Accountants are concerned about accounting/reporting. I can provide best guidance and save you thousands of dollars in negotiating lease / loan agreements as per your needs. I can provide guidance on if you should lease or loan an equipment. You should do capital lease or operating lease or finance. You want me to review your existing lease/loan agreements. I can review them. You want someone to keep track of all the equipment payments, lease/loan maturities, pre payment penalties, end of term, variable rate or fixed rate leases/finance and more. I can audit your full portfolio, ensure financial companies are charging as per agreement and not doing wrong/extra billing. You dont need to hire me full time or part time. I can work for small monthly or annual fees to manage your portfolio.

Milton, ON L9T 6M2, Canada
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