Thurs Sept5Kingsville Arena Sat Sept7K of C Hall Amherstburg

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Jasperson Drive, Kingsville, ON(View Map)
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    Vintage, Antiques


    Thurs Sept 5-9am-3pm-Kingsville Arena- Salon B Elevator accessible(help unloading Available)**Free Estimates*GOLD + Silver Jewelry+ ALL COINS- Buying 57 years Experience- Saturday Sept 7 K of C Hall 190 Richmond St Amherstburg - 9am-4pm- Cash Paid for ALL Gold + Silver **OLD COINS; Canada, USA, World War Medals, Windup Watches, Mintsets,Old paper money FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION **Locally Owned** 57 Years of “SATISFIED Collectors Always PAYING MORE $$$ than the Expensive Flyers in your mail(which you end up paying for). House calls also available for larger amounts Dan Jones B.A.B.Ed. 519-818-1805

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