The Tokens - Wheels (1964) LP

40 $
Montreal, QC H2B2A7(Afficher la carte)


Pochette=excellent, disque=excellent, son=excellent. (Stéreo).

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Difficult to find (in any grade) Stereo version of THE TOKENS 1964 Hot Rod Music "It's A Gas!" inspired LP WHEELS!

The 3rd full length recording from Brooklyn's own The Tokens, the band most famous for their 1961 hit The Lion Sleeps Tonight, and whose original line-up included Neil Sedaka. This particular LP is more difficult to come by in it's Stereo format, RCA Dynagroove LSP-2886. Great Hot Rod cover featuring four Hot Rods facing each other on the beach. Opening and closing many tracks are the sounds of cars zooming by, very cool in this stereo format. More than one Brian Wilson penned Beach Boys song is covered here by The Tokens. Surf's Up! (


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