2 999 $
Jean Talon Street Est, Montreal, QC(Afficher la carte)
  • Date de naissance de l'animal
    15 août 2024
    (agé de 25 semaines)
  • Sexe
  • Hypoallergénique

Placement et Adoption

Choses que vous devriez savoir concernant l’achat ou l’adoption d’un animal de compagnie

Bien que les vendeurs et les éleveurs d’animaux de compagnie puissent avoir une bonne réputation et bien traiter leurs animaux, la facilité avec laquelle on peut vendre des animaux par Internet peut également attirer des éleveurs et des arnaqueurs négligents ou irresponsables. Afin de vous protéger, soyez vigilant et ne croyez que ce que vous voyez et non ce qu’on vous dit : nous vous recommandons donc de convenir d’un rendez-vous au lieu d’élevage pour examiner l’animal. Cela vous permet de verifier que la mère et les autres animaux vivent dans des conditions décentes, éthiques, et qu’ils sont en bonne santé.

Rappelez-vous que la section Animaux de Kijiji n’a PAS pour objet de faciliter l’élevage incontrôlé, le commerce irresponsable d’animaux de compagnie, la vente de chiens de combat ni les services d’accouplement. Nous retirerons toute annonce suspectée de ce type d’activité ou qui nous est signalée. Les utilisateurs doivent souscrire aux règles d’adoption, d’achat, de vente ou de publication d’une annonce sur Kijiji.

Kijiji favorise, lorsque cela est possible, l’adoption d’animaux de compagnie et incite tous les propriétaires de tels animaux à les faire stériliser ainsi qu’à leur faire poser une micropuce

Lorsque vous souhaitez acquérir un animal de compagnie, il est important de rencontrer l’éleveur ou le vendeur; il est également particulièrement important de voir l’animal avant de conclure quoi que ce soit. N’adoptez ni n’achetez jamais un animal de compagnie de quelqu’un qui ne vous permet pas de voir où et comment vit l’animal.

Pour plus d'informations sur l'adoption d'animaux de compagnie >https://aide.kijiji.ca/centredaide/politiques/guide-du-proprietaire-d-animal-responsable

Sociétés protectrices des animaux associées à Kijiji :



Only 6 pounds! Fully Trained!

Was $5,500 Reduced to $2,999

Very Rare!

My fur daddy Bunny is toy sized and makes the smallest babies. Both parents are both fully tested for all known issues. We have been fully cleared for: OFA Hip xray, OFA patella exam. Clear. OFA heart and OFA eye CAER exam. Clear. For genetic testing we got the Embark for breeders test. Which shows we are both 100% CKC. https://embarkvet.com Why is this important? Genetic issues especially MVD is common in CKC. Our price reflects that are parents are fully tested and tested annually to ensure they do not develop any issues. There are lots of inexpensive CKC’s available. If you want one for price, we are not the family for you because testing to ensure there are no issues is more important than cost. It will cost you thousands in the end if they cannot provide you with clear vet records and testing. We had annual testing on July 22 and got the ALL CLEAR! First, Sage our mama. Our dad Bunny is a dashing fella born and raised in the Maritime’s! Both have been fully DNA tested by embark proving to be 100% CKC. Because CKC’s start at 13 pounds, we are considered toy sized because we are so small and dainty. If you think we cost too much, then please do your research. We are the only one in Canada with toy sized and we come with sterling references from our adopted parents and have many photos of our dogs, fully grown to show how small they are! Our puppies are 100% worth it. And with the issues that dogs can have, not buying puppies that have been tested will cost you thousands in vet bills in the end. We are the ONLY ONE in Canada that has toy sized Cavaliers. We are not a puppy mill. We are hobby breeders who show their dogs and have dedicated their life to us. Literally… It’s all they do is take care of us. We go to the park, athletic fields, trails to run all over the country and visit many places! We play dress up and put on our favourite summer dresses, bow ties and shirts in the summer and our parka’s in the winter. Our furmom’s favourite thing is to take us on her runs. We trip her from time to time, but we are working on that. My human mommy says my mommy has more dresses than she does and our daddy has more sweaters than my human daddy. So finally, let me tell you about us! We will come with our first vaccines. We are all healthy and heart murmur free! (A common issue with Cavvies). We have been dewormed multiple times already. We also come with a microchip. That is extra safety for us, just in case one of us decides to be Houdini for a minute. We come with a puppy starter pack. Our furmom does this, because she wants to make sure we have a toy, our Iams Smart puppy dog food that we eat every day and a nice blankie that smells like my mommy, when I go to my new home. It makes it easier for me to love my new family. We come with a one year health guarantee! Trupanion pet insurance! I’m completely covered for the first 30 days, if anything happens to me while in your care. And a discounted rate if you decide to keep it. And we get fully groomed the day you pick us up! So not only do we look spectacular, we smell spectacular too. Or so our human mommy thinks so. We are located in the maritimes on an acreage on the ocean for pick up, or we have other options for transport. Our furmom only wants us to go to the best family. What that means is that the first person with money, doesn't get to take us. The ones that say “Is this pet available” either. The best family does. Our human mommy wants to make sure that whatever home we go to, has done their research on Cavvies and that we will spend the rest of our lives with this family, or be returned back to our furmom. If you want to meet our parents, us or our furmom and furdad, please just send us a message with the following information. Name: Where do you live: Children: Other pets in the home: Age of other pet: Type of pet: Have you owned a Cavvie before: We are available anytime by zoom, FaceTime, WhatsApp or Viber calls. You can also check us out on Instagram at platinum_cavaliers

Options supplémentaires

Le vendeur offre également les services suivants. Veuillez le contacter pour en savoir plus, car il peut y avoir des coûts supplémentaires.
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