This is a comprehensive, interactive, LIVE virtual 6 week program that will help you gain more confident about your photography and gain control of your camera instead of your camera controlling you. You will learn how to navigate through the menus of your camera. You will know which setting is best for the image that you are trying to capture. Now is the time to take your camera out of the “Auto” Mode and see what you are really capable of creating.
This course is suitable for all D.S.L.R., Mirror-Less and **Advance Point and Shoot camera models.
This course is taught through lectures, discussions and assignments.
Not suitable for basic point and shoot cameras.
(This Class is for Beginners-Intermediate Photographers)
Cost: $ 200.00
Class size: Minimum 1 Students
Class size: Maximum 20 Students
12 hours total
6 Classes
2 hours each class approximately
Prerequisite for this class:
What You'll Need:
D.S.L.R., Mirrorless or Advance Point and Shoot Camera Lenses
Memory Card
Fully Charged Battery
Notepad and pen or pencil
** Advance Point and Shoot Cameras must have Aperture priority (A or AV mode) and Shutter priority (S or TV Mode)
We offer the following online classes to help to learn and enjoy photography.
Photo 101 - 6 weeks
Photo 201 - 6 weeks
Photo 301 - 6 weeks
For more information and to register, please visit.