Landlord issues? Addictions? Family and Criminal Court Matters?

Posted over a month ago
Vanier, ON K1L 6C4(View Map)


Addiction and Case Management Services Available

Are you needing support from experienced social workers or case management professionals? Our team is here to help!

We assist with:

Addiction Support: ACSW workers are available for guidance and resources. Landlord-Tenant Issues: Help with LTB disputes and related concerns. Family Court and Criminal Court Support: ( family and Criminal Lawyers available - Ask for details) - Referrals: RP(q), RP(s), and other community resources tailored to your needs. General Counseling - RSW, Life Coaching, Complex Family Court issues, Why go to multiple places when you can address several issues under one roof? Contact Us:

Toll-Free: 1-888-833-5303 ext. 5 (7 days a week) Local: 613-745-8889 (Monday to Friday, 12 Noon - 5 PM) Let us help you take the next steps toward resolving challenges and finding the support you need.

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