You are invited to participate in an online focus group’s about current affairs. We are looking for participants in the group's age range of 16-25, 26-65 and 65+. Candidates who qualify and participate and complete the study will receive an incentive for $125 by e-transfer. If you are interested in this intriguing study hit the link below, or scan QR code, sign up & start earning, quick cash & meet new people. CANADA WIDE & NU, NT YK
Please note that not every person will be chosen for this opportunity. If you are not selected for this opportunity, you will be considered for future focus groups/surveys/studies. When you join up on our site, you will receive emails on paid online or in-person studies/surveys/focus groups that you qualify for, you will never any studies ever again. Please enter commas in between your positions you have done, the same for your education, please enter everything you have earned since you were a teenager until now. We conduct numerous types of studies daily across North America, Europe, and the U.K.
We never sell your information to third parties, i.e., Facebook/Instagram/threads and other social media apps., you are just a set of numbers attached to your statistics. If you have any questions, please email me. Team Inclusive Insight.