No Longer Available - ONLINE FOCUS GROUP $125 NEW CDN

You are invited to participate in an online focus groups about current affairs. We are looking for new immigrants & new Canadians (under 5 years) participants in the group’s age range of 25-65 and 65+. Candidates who qualify and participate and ...

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Drug screening / Drug testing for employment, etc
Yellowknife 21/01/2025
Urine, Saliva, Hair drug testing / screening. Standard and customized drug testing panel options available. Substances / drugs tested on our panels are routinely accepted for drug testing / screening ...
Help on demand: Pilot testing of a gambling self-help app
Yellowknife 19/12/2024
Title of Project: Help on demand: Pilot testing of a gambling self-help app Concerned about your gambling? Researchers at the University of Calgary are recruiting people to receive FREE and ...
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