Motherboard-PCI-Audio/Video/TV out
Motherboard ASUS PSGC-MX/1333 - Intel LGA775 Pentium CPU - Intel® Core™2 Duo Ready - Dual-Core CPU Support - Intel® 945GC(A2)/ICH7 - Dual channel DDR2 - 6-channel High Definition Audio - EZ Flash Was in the box for years, Never Used $50.00
ATI Technology RAGEPRO Turbo AGP $10.00
HP nVidia Quadro FX 1100 AGP Dual DVI 8X Graphics / Video Card 128MB 128-bit DDR2 AGP 1.5V SLOT REQUIRED ON MOTHERBOARD. HP Assy No. 350968-001 HP Spare No 351382-001 Bios Version 4 36 20 22 20 $30.00
ATI Radeon 9600SE 128MB DDR VGA/DVI/TV Out AGP 4X/8X Video Card 64-Bit 3D API: DirectX 9, OpenGL 2 S/N 180404 007815 PN 109-A03500-10 $30.00
Original AGP card ATI Graphics Rage 128 109-52900-02 A/V CATV VGA E112956 TEMIC 3X1 981 $50.00
ATI Philips F11236 TV ISA Tuner Video Input Card for the ATI Multimedia Channel $60.00
ATI AIW 8500DV 64M DDR AGP card ATI Rage Theater 109-84800-20 DVI Vid I/O CATV DV $75.00
Cooler Master-Model: FXN NBT-K0010AW1DBWCB-001 Excellent condition $20.00
Innovative-Model: SP 602512H DC Bruchless Fan Motor D 12V 0.30A Excellent condition $20.00
JMC DATECH-Model: 0825-12HBTL DC12V O.35A BRUSHLESS DC FAN Excellent $20.00
AVC-Model: HSF5210 DC12V 0.9W Excellent condition $20.00
ASUS small fan for Laptop Good condition $10.00
PROTECHNIC MAGIC ASUS- Model: MGT5012HR-A15 DC12v O.12A $20.00