Custom built pc, Diagnostic & Repair ️ #TechSup

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47 Ave NW, Edmonton, T6H 0B2(View Map)
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    At Computer Repairs, I provide a range of services to cater to all your computer-related needs. Whether you're experiencing hardware or software issues, need assistance with data recovery or data transfer, or require help with setting up your internet mesh router System, I've got you covered. The computer repair and diagnosis service is designed to get to the root of any issue you may be facing. I am Professional knowledgeable technicians will diagnose the problem and provide you with an effective solution, ensuring that your computer is up and running smoothly again in no time. In addition to my repair services, I also offer computer setup with data recovery and data transfer. If you've recently purchased a new computer or need help setting up your existing one, or if you got scammed or hacked and need assistance with full cleanup and reset and recover files, I can help. I'll assist in transferring your important files and data from your old device to the new one, ensuring that nothing gets lost in the process. Furthermore, the internet router setup service ensures that you have a stable and secure internet connection. I will help you set up your router, configure the necessary settings, and optimize it for optimal performance. With my expertise, you can enjoy fast and reliable internet connectivity throughout your home or office. At Computer Repairs, I understand the importance of having a fully functional computer system and a reliable internet connection. That's why I strive to provide top-notch services to meet all your computer-related needs. Trust me to deliver efficient, reliable, and personalized solutions that will exceed your expectations. Note: Contact me today to learn more about service and price. Please DM me with your full name and email address or contact number with short brief details, so I can get assiste you. This could be same-day service, 24/7 support, or a specific expertise

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