GSP Puppies CKC Registered German Shorthaired Pointers

Sur demande
Kamloops, BC V2C 2K2(Afficher la carte)

Cet animal ne devra pas être placé avant 12 juin 2024 au plus tôt.

  • Date de naissance de l'animal
    17 avril 2024
    (agé de 4 semaines)
  • Sexe
    Non spécifié
  • Hypoallergénique
    Non spécifié

Placement et Adoption

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Lorsque vous souhaitez acquérir un animal de compagnie, il est important de rencontrer l’éleveur ou le vendeur; il est également particulièrement important de voir l’animal avant de conclure quoi que ce soit. N’adoptez ni n’achetez jamais un animal de compagnie de quelqu’un qui ne vous permet pas de voir où et comment vit l’animal.

Pour plus d'informations sur l'adoption d'animaux de compagnie >

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WE HAVER AVAILABLE PUPPIES THAT WILL BE GOING TO THEIR NEW HOMES AROUND MIDDLE OF JUNE message us if you would like to be put on our wait list

Many of our puppies are successful Hunting dogs, Mushing dogs, Running partners, Dock diving dogs, Agility dogs, Police Service K9 (narcotics), Conformation shows and loving Pets.

If you are looking for a well bred, healthy, intelligent, loving and fun dogs that you can take in any direction you would like, these pups just might be right for you.

Our litters are European Lines Kurzhaar from some of the best working lines. We are professional breeding and training kennels with decades of experience.

Working / Hunting bred GSP puppies from champion hunting and show lines suitable to active pet or working homes. We keep and breed only the best dogs and lines available worldwide. All our dogs perform in Hunting and Mushing (Running Sports) as well as any other competitive sports such as Barn Hunts, Dock Diving, Obedience, Frisbee, Sledding Sports! etc. or simply are friendly and nice Pets. Pls, see many reviews on our website and hundreds of videos and photos on our Instagram. (links are below)

Purebred CKC Registered Parents 100% European Kurzhaar bloodline and both can be seen, as well as grandparents and siblings.

One of the healthiest pure breeds in the world averaging a lifespan of 13 years and many living to be 17. Both parents are great hunting dogs upland and water, both can be seen. We are expecting superior puppies with lot of substance and high working and hunting drive. Excellent dogs for any hunter, musher, shed hunter, any CKC/AKC sport or an active family.

All our dogs are great with children and other pets! Puppies will be properly introduced to birds and gunshots. They will also have their health check, dewormed 3x, vaccinated, health guaranteed, micro-chip registration and ready to hunt or play any sport of your choice next year ;) We only keep and breed the best of the best GSPs. All our dogs are also my performance Sled Dogs and must be in immaculate health, both physically or mentally in order to be able to stay on our team. (Way way above ordinary Vet health checks) All our dogs are also shown at the Show Ring. All our puppies are properly socialized with humans and cats since birth. They will be confident and very friendly family dogs. $500 Deposit required to hold a puppy. LIVE CAMERA in our whelping room with 24/7 online access to keep an eye on your puppy.

We also offer obedience, hunting or mushing training to our pups down the road if their new family would be interested and we conduct Training Seminars in AB and BC several times a year plus we offer a full series of Training Videos and also online VideoCall lessons.

We offer Life-Time breeder's support to all our clients.

(the puppies will have the same colour as their parents more or less, they are always born white and darken up later)

VIDEO of the parents mushing: VIDEO of parents mushing in the summer: VIDEO of our older pup: VIDEO of puppies working with pheasant wing at 7 weeks:

Puppies available in AB and BC

Please check our INSTAGRAM for hundreds of more pictures and videos:





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