Will make deals for multiple books individual prices listed below
Picture 1 Softcover excellent condition $3 each : The Scarlet letter, moll Flanders, Madam Bovary, The Picture of Dorian Grey, Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver's Travels
Picture 2 soft cover excellent condition $3 each: Moby Dick, The Illiad, The Odyssey,
Good condition: Canterbury Tales, Emma, The Scarlet pimpernel
Picture 3 soft cover good condition$2 each Teachers Pet, Balls, were All In This Together, Skeleton Coast and Sphere
Picture 4 Softcover great condition $5 The Complete works of William Shakespeare Great condition
Picture 5 hardcover $5 The DaVinci Code. Edger Allen Poe sold
Picture 6 hardcover great condition Science Fiction Films $5
Picture 7 Hardcover great condition $5 each city of Heavenly Fire and peter straub koko
Picture 8 Hardcover great condition $5 each John Grisham The Client and The Chamber
Picture 9 Hardcover great condition $5 each Clive Cussler The Spy and Medusa