Aquarium aquatic plants moss bucephalandra *Huge List*
Hey guys, It's JimmyJam the AquaticPlantsMan (APM). I have been aquascaping for over 25 years now and love the grow and share my plants/ shrimp / and fish with my community. Recently I have put up a website to help keep track of the stock.
Go to *** AQUATICPLANTMAN.COM *** for all prices, shipping details and checkout.
I ship every Monday via Canada post, OR FedEx for Shrimps during the warm months. Cut off for shipments is 6pm every Sunday, for Monday ship. Pickup is at our house in Markham monday to thurs after 6pm or sat before 11am or after 6pm. Shipping costs are calculated at check out. Pickup info will be asked for after checkout to confirm, usually, we need 24 hours to prep the package. Just a hobbyist, so NO TAX, but I only take orders from the website just to keep my stock in check =)
Here is some of my stock, but go to AQUATICPLANTMAN.COM for the latest stock/prices'/ sales.
Shrimp and fish Blue Dream high quality breed true blue dreams Nice video of them Pumpkin Crystal red shrimps Bloody mary shrimp Green jade shrimp and culls Golden Shrimps Black and Red Pinto Shrimps Pure bred endler guppy
Plants list
MOSS and Rhizome
subwassertang golf ball size Taiwan moss (taxiphylum alternans) golf ball size Java moss: closed fist size Peacock moss (Taxiphyllum sp): golf ball size Spiky Moss (Taxiphyllum sp.) golf ball size Christmas Moss (Vesicularia montagnei) Golf ball size Buce moss quarter size Mini string moss Quarter size Fissidans Fontanus Phoenix moss: golf ball size Round pellia : golf ball size Floating fern “Salvinia Minima” : hand full Jade moss (Rare) Toonie size Hanegoke sp. Cameroon moss: for golf ball size Creeping String Moss: toonie ball size flame moss for toonie size willow moss (Fontinalis antipyretica) golf balls size
Phillipine fern 5-8 leaf portion Anubias Barteri 5-7 leaf portion Trident Fern 5-7 leaf portion Anubias nana 5-7 leaf Anubias Nana petite 5-7 leaf portion Anubias Barteri 5-7 leaf portion Anubias sp Pinto 5 leaf portion Riccia Fluitans (golf ball
Bucephalandra list lots more on the website FYI Bucephalandra Dark biblis8 leaf portion bucephalandra sunset angel / 8 leaf portion Bucephalandra Sp. lamaudu red/ 8+ leaf portion Bucephalandra sp super black /8+ leaf portion bucephalandra blue Wavy 8+ leaf portion bucephalandra Ulysses /8+ leaf Aportion bucephalandra Black Rosa8+ leaf portion Bucephalandra sp black velvet for 8+ leaf portion Bucephalandra sp narcissus for 8+ leaf portion bucephalandra sp. mini Feng /8 leaf portion (rare) bucephalandra Red catherine /8+leaf portion Bucephalandra Blue Velvet /8+ leaf portion Bucephalandra Sp. Thea red/ 8+ leaf portion Bucephalandra Mini /8+ leaf portion Titan 2 /5+ leaf portion Bucephalandra Blue Mahap /5+ leaf portion Bucephalandra Kedagang Red Godzilla for 8 leaf portion
Background plants:
pogostemon stellatus 4 stems Shinnersia Rivularis 4 stems Pogostamon gayi(8+ stems) Rotala Sp Colorata 8 stems Rotala Vietnam H'ra ( 8 stems alternanthera reineckii 3 stems Ludwigia red hybrid 3 stems for Start grass "heteranthera zosterifolia" 6-8 stems for Hygrophila Polysperma Rosanervig 3-5 stems
Midground plants:
Rotala mexicana 7-10 stems Hemianthus microanthemoids(pearl weed or baby tears) (at least 7-10 stems) Lindernia (5-7 stems ) Limnophila hippuridoides sp. Mini 3-5 stems Limnophila Aromatica mini @aquaticplantman 3-5 stems for Crypt tropica 3 stems Crypt parva 2 mature stems Crypt sp pink flamingo 1 mature stem Crypt sp.pygmea 2 large stems Crypt spiralis tiger Start grass "heteranthera zosterifolia" 10 stems for Bolbitis heudeloti
Foreground plants: lots more on the website echinodorus parviflorus. Hemianthus Callicorids cuba 5x5 cm square Marsilea Cranatum 8 nodes Hydrocotyle Tripartita Japan 10 nodes Helanthium Tenellum "Green" (5 stems for Dwarf hair grass Eleocharis Parvula
Go to *** AQUATICPLANTMAN.COM *** for all prices, shipping details and checkout.
Feel free to join the community for support and questions. Keep up to date with APM at, insta @aquaticplantman
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