*** INSTOCK, only 100 left, more coming soon ***
*** Breeder darkling beetles also available ***
Keep your reptile fed and happy with our exclusive Mealworms. Mealworms make a great food choice for reptiles including bearded dragons, leopard geckos, chameleons and more. Easy to feed, these mealworms are a great source of protein for your pet.
Feeder insect/invertebrate High in protein
Food Type: Treat
Includes: 100+ Count
Intended For: Anoles (e.g., Cuban False Chameleon/Chameleolis); Lizards (e.g., Bearded Dragons, Water Dragons, Mountain Horned Dragons, Long-tailed, Curly-tailed, Plated); Chameleons (e.g., Jacksons, Veiled, Panther); Geckos (e.g., Leopard, Panther, Cave); Frogs (e.g., Pacman, Tomato, Tree)
Feeding Instructions: Live feeders should make up to 75% of an adult reptile's diet to mimic natural feeding behaviors (up to 50% for juveniles). Infrequently to add variety and enrichment to your pet's diet (e.g., 1-2 x per week). Remove within 3-4 hours if not consumed.
Warning: Supplement live food with pellets & veggies to provide essential vitamins and nutrients.
Disclaimer: All feeders should be fed a high-quality diet (i.e., gut-loading) prior to feeding to maximize nutritional content to pet.
Live mealworms available $4 / 100. Thousands available. Let me know how many you need.
Breeder darkling beetles available at 5 /$1, thousands available.
Pickup in Steinbach, Mb.