Roller Skates, Roller Blades & Skates 3 in 1 (Size 4 - 6 Mens)

Edmonton, AB T6L 5M7(View Map)
  • Type
  • Condition
    Used - Like new


So these are practically Brand New. Worn a few times with the Roller Skates on and that was it. They Never Skated or used the Inline Rollers. I have Tested to make sure all the blades fit on the boots.

So these are good All Year Round, Plus they have 3 sizes so your kid won't grow out of them right away. I have some pictures showing these settings. Easy to strap on as well, they have laces as well as a velcro strap and tensioner to ensure a solid and secure fit. The box it came in is a little beat up though.

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So I'm taking a break now but you go ahead and have a look see at my other ads if you've got the time. Have a great night and stay Safe

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