Wanted: Looking for parents & teenagers to join a research study

Whitehorse, YT Y1A 1C2(View Map)


We're looking for Canadian parents and adolescents to participate in a study on text message communication being done by researchers at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

You may be eligible for the study if you: - Are a parent or guardian of a young person aged 13-18 living in Canada - Communicate with each other in English by text message

Your role will include: 1. You and your child meet with a research assistant virtually 2. Fill out online surveys and securely send in the text messages between you and your adolescent 3. Complete 4 short, monthly surveys 4. Fill out surveys 5 months later and securely send in parent-adolescent texts over the past 5 months

Data will be analyzed anonymously.

Compensation is provided for parents and adolescents. Adolescents can receive community service volunteer hours.

If you’re interested, please contact us at CRAFT@camh.ca

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