Activities & Groups in Peterborough


Results 1 - 6 of 6

  • Gallery opening, Ribbon cutting events, small gatherings of professionals. I can help you with any a...

    Event and Openings Photography


    Gallery opening, Ribbon cutting events, small gatherings of professionals. I can help you with any and all. Photography is my life and I've been doing it since 1996. Please don't hesitate to contact ...

  • ARE YOU A TRUE CHRISTIAN??????? Have you had enough of fake Christians and shallow relationships? Go...

    TRUE CHRISTIANITY - It's Time to KNOW and to BE a CHRISTIAN!!!


    ARE YOU A TRUE CHRISTIAN??????? Have you had enough of fake Christians and shallow relationships? God's word in English, the King James Bible, says nothing about Christians 'GOING to church'. ...

  • Thousands of used golf balls at Rebound!!!..come and get em!!! New and used golf sets too for all!!!...

    Skate sharpening 10.00/pair@rebound!


    Thousands of used golf balls at Rebound!!!..come and get em!!! New and used golf sets too for all!!! 933 Landsdowne st west in Tuesdays to Sundays!! Hundreds of used and new skates ...

  • Horse drawn wagon, sleigh, and carriage rides. Sleigh holds up to 12 adults, wagons hold about 20 ad...

    Gentle Giants Sleigh and Wagon Rides


    Horse drawn wagon, sleigh, and carriage rides. Sleigh holds up to 12 adults, wagons hold about 20 adults and I have 2 available for larger groups if required One is a covered trolley style and the ...

  • Health is wealth

    yoga teacher


    Health is wealth

  • Want to do something different? Trent University and Sir Sandford Fleming College students are invit...

    Trent and Sir Sandford Fleming: Martial Arts of Karate and Iaido


    Want to do something different? Trent University and Sir Sandford Fleming College students are invited to join the Kenshokan Martial Arts group for training in karate and iaido (traditional Japanese ...

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