"and amplifiers" in Amps & Pedals in Richmond

Results 1 - 2 of 2



Amps & Pedals


Results 1 - 2 of 2

  • Peavey audition 20


    Peavey audition 20


    Peavey audition 20 (working great, the ground wire of the plug is missing, which does not affect the use.)

  • Data Corrupter® Modulated Monophonic Harmonizing PLL EarthQuaker Devices


    Data Corrupter® Modulated Monophonic Harmonizing PLL EarthQuaker Devices


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    - Peoples Guitar is an online store located in Newmarket, Ontario. - For more details ; www.PeoplesGuitar.ca The Data Corrupter is a monophonic analog harmonizing PLL with modulation. It takes your input signal and brutally amplifies it into a crushing square wave fuzz tone that is then multiplied, divided and

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