"eyelash extensions" in Community in Toronto (GTA)

Results 1 - 2 of 2



    • Community (2)


Results 1 - 2 of 2

  • Models Needed Eyelash Extensions


    Models Needed Eyelash Extensions


    I am looking for Models to wear my lash extensions. The eyelash extension application will take approximately 2 hours Pictures and short videos will be taken of the finished product. Please arrive ...

  • Lash Extensions Mobile - GTA


    Lash Extensions Mobile - GTA

    City of Toronto

    ☘️ Accepting new clients. ☘️ Mobile! EYE come to you. Don’t be afraid to check if I can come to your area ☘️Premium lash aftercare kits! Every new full set customer will receive one to ensure tip top ...

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