Horses & Ponies for Rehoming in West Island

Results 1 - 2 of 2



Horses & Ponies for Rehoming


Results 1 - 2 of 2

  • Large and tall, 16'3 about 1500 lba part draft mare. Barefoot, lives out (will stall but she paws wh...

    Please Contact

    big part draft riding mare 13 yr old

    West Island

    Large and tall, 16'3 about 1500 lba part draft mare. Barefoot, lives out (will stall but she paws when she wants out) Loves to trail ride, safe not the spooky type. Smooth all 3 gaits does not like ...

  • Beau, calme jeune cheval. Belle conformation et personnalité. Super flashy. Monte dans la remorque c...


    2 1/2 né avril, prospect Hunter/Equitation plaisance...

    West Island

    Beau, calme jeune cheval. Belle conformation et personnalité. Super flashy. Monte dans la remorque calmement, prend sa douche, donne les pieds, vermifuges, pied et vaccins à jour. Nutrition adapté au ...

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