"bernese mountain dog" in Pets in City of Toronto

Results 1 - 3 of 3



    • Pets (3)


Results 1 - 3 of 3

  • Bernese Mountain Dog Puppies


    Bernese Mountain Dog Puppies


    We have 3 females pups left from our litter of 5! Contact us today to visit. We are located in Vineland, Ontario. These pups received their first shots on June 4th, so they are now ready to go their ...

  • Bernese Mountain dog


    Bernese Mountain dog


    Cute female Bernese mountain is looking forward to a permanent new home. She is 2 and half years old and 90lBs.

  • Bernese montain dog to adopt


    Bernese montain dog to adopt


    very lovely femalr berneses moutain look forward a perment home

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