"farm animals" in Pets in Peterborough Area

Results 1 - 7 of 7



    • Pets (7)


Results 1 - 7 of 7

  • Farm Hands Available

    Farm Hands Available

    Kawartha Lakes

    Izzy B’s is now available to help around the farm with chores & other farm animal care ! Mucking stalls and coops, filling troughs, feeding, moving hay, etc. Reach out to schedule a meet and greet or ...

  • Ultrasound machine

    Ultrasound machine

    Kawartha Lakes

    Hello! I own an ultrasound machine and offer sessions at a reasonable price. My expertise lies in dogs, but I also have some knowledge about farm animals and cats. This machine is compatible with ...

  • Ultrasound machine

    Please Contact

    Ultrasound machine

    Kawartha Lakes

    Hello! I own an ultrasound machine and offer sessions at a reasonable price. My expertise lies in dogs, but I also have some knowledge about farm animals and cats. This machine is compatible with ...

  • Instant hobby farm


    Instant hobby farm


    Moving and need to sell 4 Goats 3 pot belly pigs All animals friendly and looking for a good home .

  • Square Bale Feeder


    Square Bale Feeder


    A great design for square bales and the avoidance of hay waste. There is an upgrade option available for 2024 for additional cost (as seen in the second picture of our livestock/horse feeder ad). It ...

  • Livestock Feeder


    Livestock Feeder


    A great design for livestock. A bale of hay fits perfectly inside and helps avoid hay waste. The black hinges and latches add a decorative touch to the feeder. NEW! - There is an upgrade option ...

  • Small Livestock Feeder


    Small Livestock Feeder


    A great design for small livestock. A bale of hay fits perfectly inside and helps avoid hay waste. The feeder now has black hinges and latches, which add a decorative look to the feeder. We also have ...

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